Weekly Oracle Reading Protection Call back your power. Cut the cords. Soul retrieval. You are being called to protect your energy and call back your power. May all the lost pieces return home now. Take a look at who and what drains your energy. Do not keep your tabs open. Read More
Magical Blog
Yes or No Reading
Yes or No Reading ✨⭐️YES or NO Reading⭐️✨. Think of a yes or no question. Focus on your question and choose the card you are drawn to. Answers posted below… Card # 1 Yes. The answer to your question is yes. Card # 2. Look for a SignYour angels have Read More
Weekly Tarot Reading
Weekly Tarot Reading Things have not been going ideal. This week the trend continues, but not without consequences. There may be some negative things that you have encountered and will encounter this week, but it will not go unnoticed. Wrongs will be righted, justice will be served to wrong-doers. Things Read More
Weekly Oracle Reading
Weekly Oracle Reading from the Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Meditation The Latin word “medicus,” which means “to make whole” or “to cure,” is the root of both “medication” and “meditation.” An alternative to medication may be meditation and this card suggests just that. Many studies correlate meditation with longevity and Read More
Weekly Tarot Reading
Weekly Tarot Reading Things are improving for you now. Money is good and stable and you are feeling resilient. Despite things going on around you in the world, your financial situation is good. You are relaxing a bit more now and will be sharing positivity and good cheer with others. Read More