Magical Love Reading

Magical Love Reading

Think of your love life, partner, situation, love interest and or romance related obstacle. Choose the number of the card or cards you are guided to. 










“This is the romance of a lifetime!”

“You pulled this card because true and lasting love is here for you. If your question was about a specific person, then this card serves as validation of the relationship’s Divine nature. This individual has genuine love for you, and you both can overcome the issues that arise. This is especially the case if you can express your feelings through attributes such as kindness, compassion, and courtesy toward each other. For instance, having honest conversations would be an expression of your true love- even if it involves discussing uncomfortable topics.

“If you’re currently seeking a relationship, this card offers you assurance that true love is on its way. Keep the faith that a wonderful relationship is destined to come to you, and don’t compromise. It’s essential that you treat yourself well by taking excellent care of yourself, for the foundation of a true-love relationship is two people who cherish who they are.”


“Open your heart to give and receive the highest energy of all.”

“This card indicates that you’re protecting your heart from hurt because of painful relationship experiences. However, the angels can only bring as much romance as you’ll allow inside. If you have a shield around your heart, how is love to get in? A closed heart repels the sensitive partner you’re trying to attract.

“Following your inner guidance will protect you and simultaneously allow you to feel loved and loving. Trust your intuitive senses with respect to other people’s trustworthiness, and open your heart to those who are kind and gentle. Ask the angels to bring caring individuals (including a romantic partner) into your life, and they’ll do so… provided that you listen to and follow their guidance.”


“You have known each other before.”

“The Romance Angels sent you this card to explain the relationship you’ve inquired about. You have some unfinished business in conjunction with a soul mate from a past lifetime. This may involve forgiving someone, a joint project, or learning personal lessons such as patience.

“Soul mates recognize each other instantly, and this feeling is often registered as a sense of romantic or sexual chemistry. The magnetism that draws two people together can surpass logic, because the purpose of the relationship is healing and learning. Whether or not your soul mate becomes your life partner, you’ll experience personal and spiritual lessons and growth as a result. Past-life regressions can also help you uncover the answers you seek.

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