Weekly Tarot Reading
Everything is upside down! It is upside down indeed. More fruitful times are in the past. Crops both metaphorically and literally are spoiling. Plans are canceled. Dreams are delayed, but are not lost.
This is a time where you are being forced to let go of both practical and impractical aspirations and focus on the bare minimum. The simpler life. Your focus is being rerouted to things that you may have neglected before. Now is not a time for hedonism and excess. It is a time for reworking what wasn’t working, getting healthy, completing projects, reconnecting with those who are most important to you, and rediscovering your own values.
Overnight everything had changed, but it is paving the way to a brighter future and allowing you to do a total and complete reset of your life. Things in the material world have shifted in order for a great change in the spiritual world. There are some things that have been removed or temporarily halted from your reach which were for your greatest good. Identify those things and accept this is true rather than fighting it or being upset about it. Let go of resistance to circumstances and understand they are bringing both positive spiritual and internal changes. Embrace the slower pace of this temporary upset and find the inner peace you have been procrastinating on finding. These cards are urging you to reconnect with yourself and your greater good now.
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