Magical Love Reading
Think of your love life, partner, situation, love interest and or romance related obstacle. Choose the number of the card or cards you are guided to.
CARD #1 Give Your Relationship a Chance
Work on your partnership.
The Romance Angels see that your relationship is worth devoting effort to. Although there may be issues, these can be worked through or healed. You’ll need to commit to the relationship to ensure the best chance of success. At the very least, if you do end it, you’ll know that you gave it your all. You’ll also understand the role that you played in its dynamics. In this way, you’ll avoid attracting similarly painful situations in the future.
You received this card because there’s hope for your partnership. The love is still there! Working with a counselor may be your best option at this point. This professional can identify areas of dysfunction and guide you both in healthier directions.
CARD #2 Romantic Feelings
Your feelings are real and worth exploring.
The stirrings within your heart represent the song of romance calling to you. This card comes to you as guidance to follow the pathway of those feelings. Perhaps you’ve met someone who made your heart leap, and you wondered whether to pursue him or her. Well, this card says the answer is yes. Take action by flirting, asking the person out on a date, or making your feelings known.
If you’ve recently been longing for more romance in your life, this card is a signal to take charge of making that happen. You can ‘romance’ yourself by, for example, treating yourself to a luxurious massage or pedicure, buying yourself presents, or watching a romantic movie.
You can also actively pursue and attract romance. First, affirm that is is already inside of you. A partner definitely brings these feelings to the surface; however, they were within you as a potential initially. The more you affirm, ‘I am romantically love,’ the more you attract this condition within yourself and through a relationship.
In some cases, you’ll receive this card as a signal that you are ready for a new relationship. It then guides you to take action, such as being aware of people you meet who may be potential partners, as well as frequenting places where such potentiality partners may be (these would be locations or events associated with your hobbies and interests).
CARD #3 Separation
Time apart from your partner is on the horizon.
The Romance Angels are helping you during this period of separation from your partner. This card comes to you as an indication of angelic support as you spend time away from each other. While you’re apart, the angels can help you fill your hours with healthy activities, which will help you recent or future relationships.
This card may indicate a temporary period of aloneness, such as while your partner is traveling for business, or a time in your life when you’re single and preparing for your next relationship. It can also mean a marital separation or divorce. Call upon the angels for support and guidance during these transitions. They can help you discover the deep healing to be mined as you spend time alone, which prepares you for the next part of your relationship journey.
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