It’s time for you to vibe with the Virgo energy. Notoriously finicky and critical, Virgos get a bad rap, but its actually the best time to channel this Virgoic energy and a synchronistic time for it to enter our lives. After this avalanche of a year, people have packed on the Covid-15 or more, lost their jobs, had to find new jobs and otherwise rearrange their lives. Through the chaos that covid has brought upon us this perfectionistic sign is an example of what to strive for. It is not necessarily perfection that virgos are striving for, but balance and harmony. Their critical eye allows them to see not only the fault, but the solution to every problem big or small.
It is likely this energy has already started to channel into your life as you have likely thought about new work or career ideas, tweaking your current work situation, losing the Covid weight gain, or you may have actively already tackled one or more of these issues. Whether it is just a thought or you have actively begun work on it, now is the nice to push forward. The tides favor productivity when the Sun is in Virgo. Now is the time to get things in order. If you haven’t already. You may have already thought about what you were going to do to improve your self and things like getting a new The sign of Virgo is known as the nitpicky sign but they truly are need to be to be. Virgo energy them telling you how to do things the best way to get the results you desire. Finding a new job or changing careers. Self improvement and removal of clutter Material or removing yourself from friendships and relationships that no longer serve you.
Possible messages for you:
*Push forward with the career change or additional work. At the very least do research and find out more about the subject and if it is a good fit for your life. If not maybe look into something that is a better match.
*Continue your exercise and diet plan. Perhaps make some tweaks. If you have not started this is a sign and the time for you to move forward on any healthy idea or plan you have been considering.
*Declutter your life. Remove the excess junk and even relationships that are muddling your life or weighing you down.
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