Weekly Oracle Reading

Weekly Oracle Reading

Purify and Sage

Now is the time to purify and remove what no longer serves you. Sage is an ancient and magical herb that is used by many different tribes and magical practitioners throughout the world because of its powerful clearing properties. You are being shown that you need to use sage or adopt it’s properties into your own world now. It is time to remove things that no longer serve you.

It has been a challenging year where we have been forced to limit our social activity, shopping, consumption and all but forced out of doing anything in excess. This is not a bad thing. This has really allowed us to get in touch and see what is important and what really matters. It has also allowed some of us to become very resourceful and more cautious about taking or doing more than we need to. This reset has started a good foundation for you to realize certain priorities and let go of others that were not as important as you once thought.

This card is urging you to remove what you are still holding onto now (that which you are clinging to though you feel negatively about it or feel that it is no longer serving you).

You ca adopt the properties of sage by purifying your environment, mind, heart, mind and energy of what no longer serves you and you can actually burn sage and clear your home, yourself, you tarot deck or anything else that need an energetic reset. Now is the time to remove both clutter and relationships that no loner work in your life.

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