Weekly Oracle Reading

Weekly Oracle Reading from the Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle


The Latin word “medicus,” which means “to make whole” or “to cure,” is the root of both “medication” and “meditation.” An alternative to medication may be meditation and this card suggests just that. Many studies correlate meditation with longevity and significant health benefits.

Drawing this card is a sign for you to start meditating now or to increase your meditation. The idea of meditating more may have been on your mind for a while. Now is the time to take action.

Meditation simply means focusing your mind consciously, on a peaceful thought or positive intention. You can take a meditation class, watch an instructional video, follow along on a guided meditation or meditate in your own way. All forms are helpful and helpful.

Other Possible Messages:

Whole positive thoughts about your health by reciting affirmations

Study with a meditation teacher

Teach, write, or guide others through meditation as part of your healing work

Attend a meditation healing retreat

Prayer: Dear Archangel Raphael, please meditate with me; and guide my mind and body to focus upon peace, health, and wellness.