Weekly Tarot Reading
You have been going through a struggle in your love life or relationship and wishing things were going more smoothly. You think about how things are and how you wish things could be and are unsatisfied to say the least. The good news is there is someone rushing in to help. This may be a supportive friend or a new romantic partner. This person has good intentions and will help you figure out your next step or what to do about your current situation.
Despite being unhappy right now it is important for you to gain perspective on the issue at large. Your soul came down to earth to have a human experience. You are ultimately not here on Earth to always be having a great and happy time, but to face and surmount various challenges. You are truly a soul having a human experience and certainly not the other way around. Your human body will last 100 years at most if you are lucky while your soul will live on forever. Do not get hyper focused right now in the negative relationship issues you are having. Realize that this is part of your learning and growth experience and that improvements and that newer and better things are on the horizon. This too shall pass. Say some prayers, take a salt bath, go outside and sit under a tree, meditate. Some sort of grounding exercise is needed at this time.